Safety Concerns A Grounds Maintenance Crew Can Address

If you own a rental property, particularly if it's a multi-family property, then maintaining the grounds is likely your responsibility as the owner. Although it can be tempting to simply mow the grass and call it good, this can put you at risk of a safety-related issue. The following are three main areas where proper grounds maintenance from a place like Jim Rillo Landscaping can help you and your tenants avoid injury when it comes to maintaining the landscaping. Read More 

3 Tips to Upgrade Your Pool to Natural Filtration over the Winter Months

Over the winter months, you may be considering different renovations to your pool. Improvements like natural filtration systems to make your pool chemical-free take time, which is why it is best to do these improvements during the winter months. There are still things that you want to consider before natural filtration pool renovations, such as planning the project, the features that the system will include, and equipment that is going to be needed. Read More 

Start The Season Out Right With Some Fall Landscaping Tips

The end of summer does not necessarily mean the end of landscaping; depending on where you live, fall is the best time to prepare your yard and plant specific things for the following spring. There are lots of landscaping projects to take care of in fall, such as the following.  Make time to mulch. Mulch is your yard and garden's friend, keeping roots warm and healthy during cooler seasons. Use a layer of weed fabric underneath to prevent spring weeds and make maintenance a lot easier. Read More 

A Flagstone Walkway Adds Color to Your Lawn While Protecting the Grass

When you're considering a landscape design for your property, one hardscaping element you'll probably want to include is a path or walkway. A walkway breaks up a lush expanse of grass to add color and texture to your yard. It adds beauty and it also protects your yard by keeping foot traffic confined to a single area. Flagstone is a popular choice for walkways. Here's a look at installing and maintaining a flagstone path. Read More 

4 Tips To Help Deal With Tree Damage And Pruning During The Early Winter Months

During the late fall and early winter months, you may have problems with tree damage from storms. Sometimes, the trees will need to be trimmed or even removed to ensure your property is safe. Dealing with pruning during the early winter months can be a difficult task and you want to prevent further damage to trees. Here are some tips to help you deal with tree damage in pruning during the winter months. Read More